Here’s how it works.

  • Sign up.

    Sign up for your FREE U.S. address. No yearly fees, no monthly commitment, and best of all, no costly shopping trips.

  • Shop & Ship.

    Ship to your FREE U.S. Address. Shop from your favorite retailers ANWHERE IN THE WORLD and ship. It’s that simple. No package is too small or too large.

  • Pick up.

    Pick up your package or have it delivered. We offer door to door delivery starting at just $10, and FREE delivery to the mail boat of your choice for Family Island customers.

  • Door to door delivery.

    We respect your time. Which is why we would never give you a 4-hour window for delivery. You pick the time, and we’ll deliver it within a half hour, guaranteed! Our delivery rates start as low as $10.

  • Free Mailboat/Airline delivery.

    Our Family Island customers are just as important to us as those here in New Providence. Which is why we go the extra mile to get your packages to you. Just let us know which mailboat or airline you wish to use, and we’ll drop it off for you, free of charge.